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Case Report

A giant epidermoid cyst in the hands

Ugur Horoz, Elif Sari, Hulda Rifat Ozakpinar, Mustafa Durgun, Ali Teoman Tellioglu.


This article describes an atypical localization of a giant epidermal cyst on the thenar area of the right hand. A 54-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with recurrent hypoesthesia in the thumb. There was a painful 4.5 cm-diameter lesion on his right thenar area. After diagnostic tests, the lesion was excised with its capsule, and sent to the pathology department. The histopathological result was reported as an epidermoid cyst. There was no complication, such as pain, numbness in the thumb, infection, finger movement disorder, or undesirable scar formation, on the skin. Epidermoid cysts should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of tumors of the hand.

Key words: Epidermoid cyst, hand, tumor, thumb

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