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Mid-term assessment of mass drug administration of DEC for filariasis in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh

Ambrish Mishra, Rohit Trivedi, Divashree Sharma, Anjana Niranjan, Sanjeev Sharma.


Background: Filariasis has been a major public health problem in India that leads to both medical and social consequences. It causes irreversible chronic manifestations, such as elephantiasis, lymphoedema, and hydrocele, that are responsible for social stigma besides causing considerable economic loss and severe physical disability to the affected individuals.

Objective: Mid-term assessment of mass drug administration (MDA) of diethylcarbamazine (DEC) was carried out with objectives to review the progress of activities of single-dose DEC mass administration with respect to process and outcome indicators and to recommend mid-course correction measures.

Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study that was carried out in Rewa, one of the filaria endemic affected districts of Madhya Pradesh, India. It was carried out in August 2013. The study was conducted as per the standard guidelines given by National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. In Rewa district, 120 households from three community health centers and one urban ward were randomly selected. Thereafter, randomly selected 30 households (each from three rural and one urban site) were interviewed for MDA of DEC for filariasis.

Results: Coverage rate of DEC tablets was 91.02% whereas compliance rate was 84.66% in Rewa.

Conclusion: The coverage in the study was 91.02%, but the compliance rate with drug ingestion was 84.66%, which ultimately led to a lower effective coverage (77.06%). The overall coverage was better in rural areas compared to urban areas, whereas compliance was little better in urban areas.

Key words: Mass drug administration, diethylcarbamazine, mid-term assessment

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