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Case Report

A Compulsive Avoidance Behavior: Blocked Ejaculation [Bir Kompulsif Kaçınma Olarak Ejakülasyonu Engelleme Davranışı]

Alper Evrensel, Orcun Aykol, Gokce Comert.


Obsessions are repetitive thoughts, phantasies and opinion which cannot be removed from people's mind. In the literature various types of obsessions and compulsions were defined. The main function of the compulsions is to reduce disturbing thoughts and instincts. Sexual dysfunctions are common in obsessive compulsive disorder. Patients can effort to avoid disturbing thoughts and situations. Inhibated ejaculation is prevention of ejaculation with drowning hands of the penis. Thus, retrograde ejaculation occurs. Due to obstacles to the urethra, ejaculate fills into the bladder. Despite a feeling of orgasm, liquid is not output from the penis. In this article, a case with obsessive compulsive disorder, who blocked ejakulation in order to avoid feel guilty and sinfulness.

Key words: Obsessive compulsive disorder, compulsive avoidance, blocked ejaculation, retrograd ejaculation

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