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The Effect of Perceived Social Support by Hemodialysis Patients on their Social Appearance Anxiety [Hemodiyaliz Hastalarında Algılanan Sosyal Desteğin Sosyal Görünüş Kaygısına Etkisi]

Derya Atik, Cem Atik, Ridvan Asaf, Sezgi Cinar.


The aim of the study; to determine the effect of perceived social support by hemodialysis patients on their social appearance anxiety. A prospective descriptive study and the study population was 60 patients who underwent regular hemodialysis in the hemodialysis unit of a private hospital. Data; Social Appearance Anxiety Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, demographic data form created by researchers were collected. As a method of analysis; percentage, mean, one way anova, scatter diagram distribution, independent samples, T testi and Pearson correlation analysis methods were used. Social Appearance Anxiety Scale mean score was 45.90 ± 10.96, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support total score was 60.36 ± 7.32, family subscale mean score was 23.30 ± 3.21, friends subscale mean score was 20.76 ± 4.19, a special human mean score was 16.30 ± 5.82, respectively. It is revealed a statistically significant that Social Appearance Anxiety Scale total score and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support total score; positive correlation between Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support total score and subscales. It was determined that patients who undergoing hemodialysis treatment, perceived social support, social anxiety affect social appearance anxiety.

Key words: Hemodialysis, social support, social appearance anxiety

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