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Case Report

Dusunen Adam. 2015; 28(3): 276-280

Catatonia and differential diagnosis in adolescence: a case report

Canan Tanidir, Hilal Adaletli, Fatih Ozbek, Hatice Gunes, Ozden Sukran Uneri.


Catatonia is a motor dysregulation syndrome with main symptoms and signs such as mutism, posturing, stupor, motor rigidity, hyperalertness, refusal to eat or drink, and hypokinesis. Recognizing catatonia in children and making a differential diagnosis is important in terms of investigations required as well as for determining the treatment protocol. The present paper discusses the differential diagnosis of catatonia presentation and the clinical characteristics of a 17-year-old male case who was initially followed as inpatient in our clinic for catatonia presentation, though his diagnosis did not become definite within this period. Approximately one year later, he was readmitted to our clinic being pre-diagnosed with bipolar disorder-manic attack because of symptoms such as talking excessively, hyperactivity, irritability, and insomnia.

Key words: Adolescent, bipolar disorder, catatonia

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