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Dusunen Adam. 2015; 28(3): 204-212

Association of internet addiction in high school students with ADHD and tobacco/alcohol use

Ozge Metin, Ozge Saracli, Nuray Atasoy, Omer Senormanci, Vildan Cakir Kardes, Hasret Ozan Acikgoz, Esra Demirci, Ulku Besiktepe Ayan, Levent Atik, Aysegul Yolga Tahiroglu.


Objective: Our study aims at assessing the association between internet addiction (IA) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and tobacco and alcohol use/experimentation in high school students living in the province of Zonguldak.
Method: The study included 771 students enrolled in three high schools. They were assessed with a sociodemographic data form prepared by the researchers, the Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), and the Adult Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) Diagnostic and Assessment Inventory based on the DSM-IV.
Results: In 61 cases (7.9%), IA was established, in 90 cases (11.7%) ADHD. Of the cases with IA, 40 (65.6%) were male, 21 (34.4%) female. Internet access from home (p

Key words: Adolescence, alcohol, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, internet addiction, tobacco

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