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Exploring the Utility of Social Marketing Techniques in Motivating People to Adopt Healthy Behavior

Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy.


Over the years across the globe, the lives of people have been significantly influenced by a wide range of diseases and morbidities. The approach of social marketing has been developed to encourage acceptance and voluntary uptake by the target population by assigning more responsibility to the health professionals. In the health sector, social marketing consists of four key components - product, place, price and promotion. However, utility of social marketing is not universal owing to the presence of multiple challenges and constraints. In conclusion, the approach of social marketing can play a significant role in motivating people to adopt healthy behavior, provided both policy makers and community stakeholders are involved in the planning & implementation phase.

Key words: Social marketing, health, policy makers

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