Background: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has emerged as one of the most serious public health problems in India.
Objectives: This study was conducted (1) to study the sociodemographic profile of children living with HIV/ AIDS, (2) to study health profile in detail of children living with HIV/AIDS, and (3) to study and find out the route of transmission.
Materials and Methods: It was a cross-sectional study. A semi-structured and pretested pro forma was used to interview and examine HIV+ children. Prior verbal and written consent was taken from parents of children. This study included 90 HIV+ children (514 years) related to ADHAR, an NGO of Ahmedabad city, during the month of April to June 2011.
Results: This study included 90 HIV+ children (age range, 514 years; 53% female and 47% male). Of them, 65 (72.2%) were in 59 years (primary school) age group; 30% were school dropouts. Majority of children (51, 56.7%) belonged to social class 4. Fifty-nine (65.5%) children had both parents infected with HIV. In 63% cases, only parents knew HIV-positive status of their children, and in 37% cases parents as well as others (friends, teachers, and other relatives) knew the HIV-positive status. Twenty-three (25.5%) children had poor hygiene habits. Mothers of 40% and fathers of 25.6% children were illiterate. Sixty (66.6%) children were receiving antiretroviral therapy. The overall prevalence of malnutrition in this study was 20%. Twenty-two (24.4%) children had signs of vitamin B complex deficiency. Prevalence of anemia in these children was 62.2%.
Conclusion: Poor nutritional status, hygiene, and various nutritional deficiencies among these children need great attention and health education needs to be imparted.
Key words: HIV, AIDS, pediatric HIV, sociodemographic profile, ART