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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(3): 080-084

In vitro cytotoxicity MTT assay in Vero, HepG2 and MCF -7 cell lines study of Marine Yeast

P. Senthilraja, K. Kathiresan.


Marine yeasts isolated from coastal mangrove ecosystem namely Candida albicans, Kuraishia capsulate and Sacchromyces cerevisae were screened for the cytotoxicity against a non-transformed Vero (African green monkey kidney normal cell line) and two cancer cell lines human breast carcinoma cells (HepG2), human breast carcinoma cells (MCF -7) in different concentrations (1000 to 1.953 µg/ml).lower doses enhanced the viability of the cultured cells,MTT assay .higher doses decreased viability of the cells by 50% or more. MTT assay was used to measure the cell proliferation and survival. Of three yeast strains, Sacchromyces cerevisae showed more than 80% cell viability in Vero cell lines and were studied for further cytotoxicity against HepG2, MCF -7 cell lines respectively.

Key words: Yeast; Cancer; MTT assay; Cell culture; Vero; HepG2; MCF-7.

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