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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(1): 237-241

The effect of seasonal variation on developing common biliary diseases among adult patients in King Fahad Hospital, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia

Talal M. Alshahri, Nasser A. Asiri, Saleh E. Alzahrani, Bander S. Alotaibi, Faisal M. Alshehri4, Alaa Eldin H. Katar, Ibrahim A. Alghamdi, Abdulrhman Mustafa Rasheed.


Background: Despite gastroenterological diseases and their seasonal etiological patterns reported in several studies, the seasonal fluctuation mechanisms related to conditions are still not clearly understood. Thereby, this study aimed to determine the effect of seasonal variations on developing common biliary diseases among adult patients at King Fahad Hospital, Al-Baha, Saudi Arabia.
Methodology: A retrospective study was conducted among 912 patients at King Fahad Hospital, who were admitted for common biliary diseases. The study was conducted from January 2014 to December 2016 at King Fahd Hospital.
Results: Out of the total 912 patients, 26.1% of the participants were male, while 73.9% were female. 73.9% of the participants had chronic cholecystitis, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy was carried out among 97.9%. The current results showed no seasonal variations, and there was a marked decline in June and July, which are the months with high temperatures.
Conclusion: Biliary diseases were distributed among the months of the year without significant seasonal variations.

Key words: Biliary diseases, seasonal variation, King Fahad Hospital, Saudi Arabia

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