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Evaluation of wound healing potential of methanolic Crinum jagus bulb extract

Sunday Ositadimma Udegbunam, Raphel Okoli Chukwujekwu Kene, Silavanus Maduka Anika, Rita Ijeoma Udegbunam, Theophilus Okafor Nnaji, Madubuike Umunna Anyanwu.


Crinum jagus (J. Thomps.) Dandy commonly called Harmattan or St. ChristopherÂ’s lily belonging to the family Lilliaceae is widely used traditionally in Southeastern Nigeria for treatment of skin sores. This study investigated the wound healing potentials of methanolic Crinum jagus bulb extract (MCJBE) using incision, excision and dead space wound healing models. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, tannins, saponins in the extract but absence of flavonoids. In the incision and dead space wound models, rats were dosed orally with 300 mg/kg body weight (bw) of 10 and 5% of methanolic Crinum jagus bulb extract (MCJBE) solution, respectively, while in the excision wound model, rats were treated topically with 10 and 5% methanolic Crinum jagus bulb extract ointments (MCJBEO), respectively. The 10% MCJBE gave significantly (p

Key words: Crinum jagus, wound healing, methanolic extract, ointment

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