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Evaluation of Spent Mushroom Substrate as biofertilizer for growth improvement of Capsicum annuum L.

Somnath Roy, Shibu Barman, Usha Chakraborty, Bishwanath Chakraborty.

Cited by 68 Articles

Influence of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) of oyster mushroom and button mushroom on the improvement of health status of Capsicum annuum L. was investigated. Analysis of growth promotion in terms of height, no of branches, yield and no of leaf drop indicated that the use of the spent mushroom substrate of oyster mushroom and spent compost of button mushroom had a positive effect on the overall growth of the tested plants. SMS had a role in mobilizing the soil phosphate which was evident by a decrease in soil phosphate level and increase in root and leaf phosphate following treatment with SMS. Chlorophyll content of plants increased when treated with oyster mushroom fresh substrate and button mushroom leachate compost. Fruits of plants treated with button mushroom leachate compost and oyster mushroom fresh substrate showed an increase in protein content of about 2.5 times over control. Similarly, carotenoid contents of fruits also increased significantly in the treated plants, but increases in leaves were not significant. It is evident from the present study that the use of different form of spent mushroom substrate of oyster mushroom and spent compost of button mushroom led to the overall increase in growth of Capsicum annuum L.

Key words: Capsicum annum, Chlorophyll, Plant growth, Spent Mushroom Substrate

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