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Case Report

A Case Report of Allgrove Syndrome with Neurological Involvement

Zafer Pekkolay, Faruk Kilinc, Mazhar Muslum Tuna, Hikmet Soylu, Kenan Ates.


Allgrove syndrome is a very rare seen disorder with an autosomal recessive trait. The three characteristics of disease are alacrima, achalasia and adrenal failure. Alacrimia is the first manifestation in most cases. Achalasia and adrenal failure are seen later. Neurological involvement is rare and usually occurs in older age. A women 22 years old admitted to our hospital with adrenal failure crisis. She had alacrimia and used teardrop for many years. Achalasia was diagnosed after evaluation of her dysphagia. Thus, diagnosis of Allgrove syndrome, was done. Autonomic cardiac dysfunction and peripheral motor neuropathy were detected. In conclusion, Allgrove syndrome is rare and has life threatening potential due to adrenal failure. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment may improve life quality and expectancy. Patients with relevant symptoms should be evaluated for autonomic neuropathy.

Key words: Allgrove, neuropathy, adrenal failure

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