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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5837-5843

The Challenges And Opportunities Of Using Social Media To Advocate For The Rights Of Marginalized Groups

Dr.Chaganti Rami Reddy.


This research paper explores the challenges and opportunities of utilizing social media platforms for advocating the rights of marginalized groups. Social media has emerged as a powerful tool that can amplify the voices of marginalized communities, facilitate community mobilization, and enlighten the broader society about social injustice. However, it also poses certain challenges such as algorithmic biases, online harassment, information authenticity, and limited access to technology. This paper aims to critically analyze the benefits and constraints of social media advocacy, while providing recommendations to leverage its potential for promoting social justice and equality.

Key words: social media, marginalized groups, technology and the internet, discrimination, inequality, advocate, public opinion, mobilizing.

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