Sinusitis is and inflammation of one or more paranasal sinus and it is classified in to 4 categories; acute, subacute, chronic and recurrent depending on duration of the diseases. The diagnosis of sinusitis is depending on clinical examination which involve history taking, culture and imaging diagnosis. Imaging diagnosis is performed to support the diagnosis and provide more details of the patient.
To compare between the role of X-ray and CT in diagnosis of sinusitis.
Scientific websites were used to search for articles related to our subject such as Pubmed and Google scholar using several keywords including sinusitis diagnosis, X-ray and CT.
We obtained 20 articles, 12 of them were included and they were published between the years 1997 to 207, whereas those which excluded weren't focusing on our aim.
CT is better than X-ray in the diagnosis of sinusitis, however it can be determine a role of each modality. X-ray can be used to diagnose acute sinusitis , whereas CT scan be used for the diagnosis of chronic and recurrent sinusitis.
Key words: Sinusitis, X-ray, CT, Imaging diagnosis