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Letter to the Editor

Recurrence of A Cerebral Hydatid Cyst

Ergenekon Karagoz, Serkan Demir, Vedat Turhan.


Our case is an example of primary hydatid cyst disease with a parietal cystic lesion with well-defined borders in the right parietal lobe on MRI. Definitive treatment is complete removal of the cystic lesion by surgery followed up with medical treatment with Albendazole to avoid recurrence. Since our patient refused surgery, she was given 15mg/kg/day Albendazole. As stated above, our patient is still under clinical follow-up for 12 months by Neurology and Infectious Diseases department. In conclusion, hydatid cyst should be included in the differential diagnosis for cranial cystic masses in patients especially from endemic countries.

Key words: Hydatid cyst, brain, MRI

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