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Awareness and knowledge about tuberculosis in patient of tuberculosis at GMERS Medical College and Hospital Dharpur, Patan, Gujarat

Kiran Rami, Nilesh Thakor, Anjali Patel.


Background: India has the highest burden of tuberculosis (TB) accounting for one-fifth of the global incidence and is 17th among 22 high-TB burden countries in terms of incidence rate of TB.

Objective: To know the sociodemographic profile of patients with TB and to assess knowledge and awareness regarding TB among patients with TB.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out including all TB treatment units of GMERS Medical College and Hospital Dharpur, Patan, Gujarat, India, for 3 months from June to August 2014. Total 151 registered patients of all age groups during June to August 2014 were selected by purposive sampling. After taking verbal consent, all patients were interviewed on the basis of predesigned, pretested pro forma. Information was collected regarding their health status, DOTS (directly observed treatment short course) therapy, and their awareness regarding TB. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS software.

Result: Of 151 patients, 104 (68.8%) were male aged from 14 to 80 years; 147 (97.3%) were from rural area, 63 (41.7%) were illiterate, 130 (86%) belonged to joint family, and 118 (78.1%) had less than Rs. 500 per capita income. More than 50% patients with TB were aware of person-to-person transmission of TB. About 62 (41.05%) patients of TB knew mode of spread of TB and 95 (62.91%) correctly answered that cough was the most common symptom. About 91 (60.26%) patients said that TB can be prevented by BCG vaccine, 99 (65.56%) knew about DOTS clinic, 40 (26.9%) knew about TB from doctor, and only 90 (59.6%) believed that TB was curable.

Conclusion: Apart from pharmacological treatment, poor knowledge regarding TB among patients of TB also needs great attention.

Key words: Tuberculosis, pulmonary TB, DOTS therapy, RNTCP, knowledge of TB

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