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High blood pressure and its association with obesity among preuniversity college students of Udupi taluk

Shradha S Parsekar, Mannat M Singh, Bhumika T Venkatesh.


Background: There is an evidence of tracking of high blood pressure (BP) from childhood to adulthood. Hence detection, assessment, and management of high BP are important.

Objectives: To estimate the proportion of adolescents of Udupi taluk having high BP and to assess the association of high BP with overweight/obesity and other correlates.

Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 838 adolescents studying in preuniversity colleges (PUCs) of Udupi taluk. Of the 49 PUCs of Udupi taluk, 15 PUCs were randomly chosen and one class from each was taken as a cluster. A pretested and structured questionnaire, based on World Health Organization Stepwise approach was used. Weight, height, and BP were measured using standardized tools. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 15.00. Pearson’s correlation and univariate and multiple logistic regressions were used to analyze the data.

Results: The prevalence of high BP and overweight/obesity was found to be 23.05% and 9.18%, respectively. High BP was positively correlated with overweight/obesity. Being a male, currently consuming alcohol, and being overweight/obese were the risk factors associated with high systolic BP and factor associated with high diastolic BP was overweight/obesity.

Conclusion: The proportion of respondents having high BP as well as overweight/obesity was found to be high. As high BP was found to be strongly associated with overweight/obesity in this study, we recommend screening of BP to be carried out both in children and adolescents and the inclusion of sports hours in their curriculum.

Key words: Adolescents, pre-university colleges, high blood pressure, overweight, obesity

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