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A study on cause of death among the tribal children of Udalguri district, Assam

Nabajit Kumar Das, Rekha Das.

Cited by 1 Articles

Background: Among several parameters to understand the living standard of a country, child mortality is a vital sensitive indicator. The study of child mortality has long been largely neglected by research in developing nations of world including India.

Objectives: In this paper, an attempt has been made to see the main causes of child death and also try to find out the various factors associated with it.

Materials and Methods: Interview with structured schedule was the prime method of data collection, while observation method was also applied whenever necessary. The cause of death was ascertained using verbal autopsy procedure. Percentage distribution, chi-square, and logistic regression model have been used to determine the factors affecting child mortality.

Result: The study reveals that out of 604 live births, 562 (93.06%) children are surviving while 42 (6.95%) are dead. Female infant and child mortality are higher than that of male. The main causes of death among the infants, 1–5 years, and 5–14 years children are low birth weight (30.00%), diarrhea (44.44%), and fever unspecified (42.86%), respectively.

Conclusion: In this study, factors such as mothers’ age at first child birth, birth order, mothers’ education, institutional delivery, and immunization have played a very important role in reducing child mortality.

Key words: Child mortality, chi-square, infant mortality, logistic regression, verbal autopsy

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