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Original Research

Dusunen Adam. 2015; 28(4): 309-318

Prevalence of tobacco, alcohol and substance use among Eskisehir Osmangazi University students

Ali Dayi, Gulcan Gulec, Fezan Mutlu.


Objective: This study aimed at researching the prevalence of tobacco, alcohol, and substance use and its relation with sociodemographic variables in Eskisehir Osmangazi University students.
Method: The study population consisted of 17676 students at Eskisehir Osmangazi University faculties and colleges. A total of 3141 students (17.76%) were reached using a cross-sectional layer method. The study was evaluated including 3114 people. A survey form was used to obtain the data.
Results: The prevalence of Eskisehir Osmangazi University studentsÂ’ lifelong cigarette use is 40.2%. It was determined that the prevalence of lifelong alcohol use is 60.8%, the prevalence of lifelong substance use except for tobacco and alcohol is 11.0%. This study found that tobacco, alcohol, and substance use are higher in males, in students living on their own, those having negative ideas about themselves and their future, those who are seeking excitement, and those with problems of anger control. In addition, it was determined that tobacco, alcohol, and substance use are higher in students whose family members and especially whose close environment use cigarettes, alcohol, and substances.
Conclusion: These risk factors need to be taken into account in the preparation of prevention programs. These programs are must be implemented among the youth before coming to university.

Key words: Alcohol, prevalence, substance, tobacco, university

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