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Knowledge regarding breastfeeding and factors associated with its practice among postnatal mothers in central India

Abhay Kumar Choudhary, Vishal Bankwar, Asha Choudhary.


Background: Breastfeeding practices remain poor even though efforts are being made to improve various aspects and promote exclusive breastfeeding. The current study was undertaken to find out knowledge and practice of breastfeeding among lactating mothers.

Objectives: Find out knowledge and practice of breastfeeding and various factors influencing it in postnatal mothers.

Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was done on lactating mothers attending the postnatal care OPD in a tertiary care center in Bhopal. A pretested structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from 1000 mothers. Information regarding participants' demographics, infant feeding in first 6 months of life, knowledge, and attitude toward breastfeeding was collected.

Results: Exclusive breastfeeding was practiced by only 33% mothers, whereas mixed feeding was found to be common (53%). It was found that age of the mother, education of mother, income of the family, parity, and availing antenatal care services (p < 0.0001) were all significantly associated with the practice of breastfeeding.

Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding was found to be poor in the study group even though the knowledge regarding various aspects of breastfeeding was not very poor.

Key words: Breastfeeding, postnatal, knowledge, practice

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