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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 5910-5922

Recasting The Victorian Age With Special Focus To Major Science Fiction Writers

Prajnajyoti Dutta, Dr. Anita Kumari.


The complications and challenges fostered the growth of great literary works. The novel rose rapidly, especially the social novel which captured the social, political and economic upheavals brought about by industrialisation and urbanisation and reflected the changing ideologies of the new educated class. The middle class rose rapidly with prosperous businesses and innovations made possible by new systems of production, aided by improved education, new inventions, discoveries and travel. This class challenged the hegemony of the aristocracy as they seek to gain the power and control that the ruling class had held for so long. There was a desire for the respectability and social position that the aristocracy had by virtue of tradition & birth and they started setting themselves apart in thought and lifestyle to oppugn those long held traditions. Fresh moral values were imposed with focus on individual responsibility, charity, discipline and a strong opposition to social evils. In this article, recasting the Victorian age with special focus to the major science fiction writers has been highlighted.

Key words: Recasting, Victorian, Age, Science, Fiction, Writers.

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