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Trend of suicidal autopsy cases at Government Medical College & New Civil Hospital, Surat

Ganesh Govekar, Paresh Chandegara, Jignesh Patel, Kalpesh Zanzrukiya.


Background: Surat is one of the fastest growing cities in Asia, situated in the southern region of the state of Gujarat, India. Suicidal deaths reflect overall social and mental stress and grief of any society. We analyzed the current trend of suicidal deaths in Surat in this epidemiological study.

Objective: To analyze various demographic, social, and forensic aspects of suicidal deaths in Surat.

Materials and Methods: A total of 358 profiles of suicidal autopsy cases were studied retrospectively, which were conducted during 2012 at GMC & NCH, Surat, Gujarat, India. The observations were compared with previous studies conducted in same region as well as studies conducted in other regions.

Result: In this study, the incidence rate of suicidal deaths was 16.52% and major age group among the victims was 31–40 years (i.e. 22.06%). In 62.84% cases, the victims were male. The chief method of suicide was poisoning, used by 40.50% of deceased, involved in 45.53% of cases. Conspicuously, steep rise (21.17%) in number of suicides seen in third quarter of the year, that is, in beginning of monsoon.

Conclusion: The current incidence rate of suicidal deaths in Surat shows an inclining trend recently. Maximum affected victims were middle-aged males (31–40 years) but cases of suicides of females have been increased in recent years. The chief method of suicide was poisoning and main mode of death was asphyxia.

Key words: Suicidal death, suicide, autopsy, Surat

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