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Dusunen Adam. 2015; 28(4): 344-355

Psychological symptoms related with violence and its relationship with internalizing and externalizing problems among 10th grade students in Istanbul

Cuneyt Evren, Ercan Dalbudak, Bilge Evren, Muge Bozkurt, Arzu Ciftci Demirci, Gokhan Umut, Yesim Can.


Objective: Aim of this study was to evaluate the associations of gender, self-destructive behavior (self-harming behaviors - [SHB] and suicidal ideation/attempts - [SI/A]), lifetime substance use (tobacco, alcohol and any drug) and psychological variables (depression, anxiety, anger and impulsivity) with having psychological symptoms after experiencing or witnessing any violence, serious assault or battery event among 10th grade students in Istanbul/Turkey.
Methods: Online self-report survey was conducted based on 4957 10th grade students selected according to multi-stage sampling in 45 schools from 15 districts of Istanbul.
Results: Risks of assault from a peer, physical fight within last year, bearing arms, disciplinary punishment and problems with the law were higher in the group with psychological symptoms (GPS). Together with SHB and SI/A, lifetime tobacco and any drug use, male gender, depression, anxiety, and anger predicted the GPS.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that with a single and simple question, high risk group of GPS can be determined, followed and offered proper help for both internalizing problems and externalizing behaviors, whether or not they are consequences of the victimization.

Key words: Adolescence, online survey, psychological problems, self-destructive behaviors, substance use, victimization

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