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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2021; 19(2): 129-132

Serological survey and isolation of Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides from cattle slaughtered at Katsina state central abattoir, Nigeria

A Sada, FM Tambuwal, GO Egwu KH Ahmad, BN Umar, AM Ibrahim & MS Abdullahi.


A serological survey for the detection of antibodies to Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides (Mmm) from cattle slaughtered at Katsina Central Abattoir was conducted from March to October 2012 using competitive ELISA (CIRAD) version: P05410/04 antibody detection kit. A total of 300 cattle sera were screened for Mmm antibodies out of which 22 (7.3%) obtained from 15 (68.2%) cows and 7 (31.8%) bulls were positive. Age distribution indicated that 3 (13.6%) were less than 2 years, 11 (50%) were between 2 and 4 years of age, while 8 (36.4%) were above 4 years. The study confirmed the susceptibility of some cattle breeds from all ages and sexes to Mmm. However, middle-aged cows were shown to be more associated with the infections though not statistically significant (P˃0.01). Similarly, a total of 130 pneumonic lung tissues were used for isolation and biochemical characterization of Mmm out of which 2 (1.5%) samples one each from adult White Fulani and Red Bororo cows were found to be positive. The study established baseline information on the status of Mmm infection in Katsina State. Continuous disease surveillance and annual mass vaccination programme using effective vaccines were recommended.

Key words: Abattoir, Cattle, Katsina, Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides, Seroprevalence

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