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Case Report

Med Arch. 2015; 69(1): 60-61

Does Melissa Officinalis Cause Withdrawal or Dependence?

Kadir Demirci, Mehmet Akgönül, Arif Demirdaş, Abdullah Akpınar.


Introduction: Melissa officinalis is a medical and aromatic plant that is used for its hypnotic, sedative, and spasmolytic effects. This report presents a case study of30-year-old patient who was admitted to an emergency department with restlessness, tremor, distractibility, and sweating following a discontinuation of Melissa officinalis consumption. Case report: In this case, withdrawal symptoms may be related to the dependence effect caused by long-term use of Melissa officinalis. Although Melissa officinalis, a plant, is preferred by many patients as an alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, patients should be made aware that it may have a risk of dependency and can lead to withdrawal symptoms.

Key words: Melissa officinalis; withdrawal; dependence.

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