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Universal Neonatal Hearing Screening in Albania, 2009-2012

Edlira Beqiri, Daniela Nika.


Aim: Universal neonatal hearing screening Project started in Albania for the first time in January 2009. It was made possible by the support of Magis, an Italian NGO, as a grant of Italian government to the Albanian health system. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of PCHI in Albania. Methods: Universal neonatal hearing screening in Albania started on January 2009 until December 2012. Overall, 47341 newborns were tested. The screening covered the three main cities of Albania; Tirana, Shkodra and Fier. Results: Overall, 93 babies resulted with bilateral hearing loss after the two steps screening. In total, 85 babies had hearing aids, 8 babies decided to get medical treatment abroad. The incidence at the end of the project is 2.1 babies with bilateral hearing impairment per 1000 births/year (2.1/1000 births). Conclusion: Our findings are generally in line with previous reports on this matter. Future studies in Albania should be conducted to assess the prevalence and determinants of PCHI in Albania and in other transitional settings.

Key words: universal neonatal screening, Albania.

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