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Psoriasis and Dyslipidemia

Eldina Malkic Salihbegovic, Nermina Hadzigrahic, Edin Suljagic, Nermina Kurtalic, Jasmina Hadzic, Alema Zejcirovic, Midheta Bijedic, Alma Handanagic.


Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic skin ailment, which can be connected with other ailments including dyslipidemia. Examinees and methods: Research included 70 patients affected by psoriasis. Both genders, above 18 years of age. Average age of the respondents was 47.14 (SD= ±15.41), which consisted of 36 men (51.43%) and 34 women (48.57%). The average duration of psoriasis was 15.52 (SD= ±12.54) years. Results: Frequency of dyslipidemia on those affected by psoriasis was 62.85%. Most often it was hypertriglyceridemia (39%) and hypertriglyceridemia with a lowered value of HDL (36%), average age of those affected by psoriasis with dyslipidemia was 48.76 years (SD= ±14.72), and the average duration of the basic disease was 16.15 years (SD= ±12.63), the average values of the PASI score were 16.65. Increase in values of PASI score and dyslipidemia were statistically significantly connected (r=0.41; p=0.0001). Conclusion: Psoriasis is connected with dyslipidemia.

Key words: psoriasis, dyslipidemia.

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