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The Relationship between Field Dependent-Independent Cognitive Style and Understanding of English Text Reading and Academic Success

Ali Yazdanpanah Nozari, Hasan Siamian.


Background: The learning styles are the distinctive learners’ strategies for information processing and discovering new concepts. One of the most important kinds of learning styles is the Witkin’s theory of field dependence-independence cognitive style. Objective: This study seeks to find the relationship between field dependence –independence cognitive style and English text reading comprehension, learning English as a foreign language, academic achievement and the choice of academic courses. Methods: In this study, 305 students (both girls and boys) studying at the junior level at high school in Sari were randomly selected through multistage selection who responded to Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT). Results: The data analysis was conducted by using regression analysis which showed that FDI cognitive styles determined the changes in dependant variables of reading comprehension score, learning English and the total average with the respective values of %8.8, %9.2 and %11.6 (p

Key words: field dependent-independent cognitive style, English reading comprehension skill, learning English, academic achievement

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