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Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Tissue Doppler and 2D Speckle Tracking Echocardiography

Hakan Tasolar, Selami Demirelli, Havva Yilmaz, Esra Poyraz, Husnu Degirmenci, Mehmet Balli, Mustafa Cetin.


We aimed to evaluate the systolic and diastolic functions of left ventricule in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by conventional echocardiography and two-dimensional (2D) speckle tracking echocardiography (STE) method. Thirty patients with IBS diagnosed with Rome III criteria were referred to our clinic. Standart echocardiographic and 2D-STE evaluation were obtained from all participants. C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate showing inflammation were significantly higher in patients with IBS compared to control group. Comparision of echocardiographic and tissue doppler imaging parameters measured from the septal mitral annulus demonstrated similar values between both groups. There were not any differences between the groups in terms of SRS-3C, SRE-4C, SRE-3C, SRE-2C, GLSRE, SRA-4C, SLA-3C, SLA-2C and GLSRA (p>0.05, for all). GLS (p=0.002), GLSRS (p=0.021), SRS-2C (p=0.030), S-4C (p=0.001), S-3C (p=0.025) and S-2C (p=0.012) values were significantly lower in IBS patients than in the control group. Our results suggest that IBS of which pathogenesis cannot be clearly elucidated is an inflammatory process and the heart may also be affected from this process. 2D-STE can also be useful in determination of subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in IBS patients.

Key words: Irritable bowel syndrome, subclinical left ventricular dysfunction, strain, strain rate, two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography

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