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BMB. 2021; 6(0): 118-124

Evaluation of the morphometric measurements of main mediastinal vascular structures with MDCT (multi-detector computed tomography) in healthy children

kourosh yaghouti, filiz celebi, ibrahim halil sever, Nuri Cagatay cimsit.


Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the feasibility of the MPA/AA (main pulmonary artery/ ascending aorta) ratio measurement, which is 1:1 in adults, using the multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT).
Materials and Method(s): IV contrast-enhanced pulmonary CT images of 487 pediatric patients (0-18 years), which had been performed between January 2015 and February 2019 in our center, were retrospectively evaluated. The diameters of ascending aorta, main pulmonary artery, right and left pulmonary arteries, and thoracic aorta were measured separately.
Results: A positive correlation was determined between the diameters of mediastinal vascular structures and the patient age. The MPA/AA ratio was higher in the pediatric group when compared to adults, and this ratio was found to be higher than 1 in all pediatric cases.
Conclusions: The higher diameter of MPA when compared to AA in pediatric cases is thought to be responsible for MPA/AA ratio being greater than 1, and that should not be considered as pulmonary hypertension. We suggest a threshold of 1.06 for the MPA/AA ratio regarding the diagnosis of PH.

Key words: Keywords: Pulmonary artery; Hypertension; Child; Tomography; Aorta

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