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Intraocular pressure changes in different age group individuals after water ingestion

Anitha Lakshmi, Nagaraja Puranik, KF Kammar.

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Background: The intraocular fluids exert pressure on the coats of the eyeball, which is referred to as the intraocular pressure (IOP). It varies with factors such as the time of day, heart beat rate, blood pressure level, respiration of day, heartbeat, blood pressure level, fluid intake, and respiration. Age is considered to be one among the several factors that influence IOP.

Objective: To reveal the IOP changes in each of the eyes, among the different age group individuals, immediately and at different intervals (15, 30, 45, and 60 min) after water ingestion.

Materials and Methods: Investigations were carried out in 50 young-aged, 50 middle-aged, and 50 old-aged individuals before and after water ingestion. The IOP changes in them were compared before and after water ingestion in them, and the effect was compared among the different age group individuals. Statistical analysis was done by using Student t-test by considering paired and unpaired t-test.

Result: In this study, IOP significantly increased in both the eyes, immediately after water ingestion in all the three age group individuals, when considered separately.

Conclusion: This study can be concluded with the findings that the IOPs have a propensity to increase immediately after water ingestion in different age group individuals, and this increase is more in old age individuals when compared with the young age individuals. This study may help in the prediction of ocular hypertension in relation to age, and its consequences be forecasted by using a more common parameter (i.e., IOP).

Key words: Intraocular pressure, different age groups, glaucoma, Schiotz tonometer

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