Aim: Diamond making industries are one of the widespread industries of Gujarat and Maharashtra. According to their nature of work, large number of diamond workers acquires different sitting position. We analyzed three different sitting positions depends upon their need in the profession. Thus in this study, we want to analyze the area specific symptoms according to the working posture and their impact on function.
Materials and Methods: In this cross- sectional study, 754 diamond workers aged between 30 and 60 years were selected through quota sampling from Visnagar, Gujarat, India. The subjects were allocated in 3 × 3 factor grouping design, i.e., three age groups and 3 sitting postures. The age grouping variables were 30-39, 40-49, and 50-60 years. Grouping variable for posture were, without back supported sitting, back supported sitting and tailor sitting. Analysis of posture related disability was done by the standardized Nordic questionnaire and other four area-specific questionnaires such as neck disability index, revised oswestry disability index, disability arm shoulder and hand, and lower extremity functional scale.
Results: Descriptive analysis was done using MS Excel 2007 to analyze the data. Results revealed that without back support group had highest disability across all three groups amounting to 48.82%, followed by the back supported group with 32.12%. Interestingly tailor sitting position groups accounting for least disability with 29.86%.
Conclusion: Without back supported sitting was the worst posture attained during work. Tailor sitting revealed the lesser amount of disability when compared to both with or without back supported sitting for the diamond workers.
Key words: Diamond workers, disability questionnaire scales, sitting posture