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Case Report

J Pak Dent Assoc. 2021; 30(4): 279-284

Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of Hypodontia- A Team Approach

Kiran Tariq,Muhammad Wassem Ullah Khan,Momina Akram,Sahar Illyas,Muhammad Azeem.


Hypodontia can have impact on speech, aesthetics, function and psycho-social behavior of individuals afflicted by the problem. Rehabilitation of patients with hypodontia usually requires complex treatment planning, depending upon the pattern of tooth absence, amount of residual spacing, presence of malocclusion and patient compliance. It is an interdisciplinary intervention, involving prosthodontists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, speech pathologists and psychologists to achieve an optimal outcome for the patient. This case report describes the close work of a committed team from orthodontic, oral surgery and prosthodontic department of de’Montmorency College of Dentistry, Lahore, to reach final aesthetic and functional outcomes for a patient with oligodontia.

Key words: oligodontia, interdiciplinary team work, prosthodontic rehabilitation, fixed restorations

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