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Case Report

A Monocephalus Diprosopus Fetus: Antenatal Sonographic Findings

Salih Burcin Kavak, Ebru Celik Kavak, Berna Coskun, Rasit Ilhan, Ugur Orak.


Monocephalus Diprosopus is the rarest form of conjoined twins. The etiology of this anomaly is stil obscure. We herein report a monocephalus diprosopus case that was diagnosed in week 19 of pregnancy was presented due to its rarity and the significance of its prenatal diagnosis. Recommended a pregnancy termination since it does not have a definitive treatment today, prenatal diagnosis made for such fetuses at an early stage bears importance in terms of lowering the severity of psychological trauma.

Key words: Monocephalus Diprosopus, prenatal diagnosis, sonography

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