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tjtfp. 2021; 12(1): 32-39

Relationship with Sleep Quality and Medical Treatment in Early Smoking Cessation Process

Bektaş Murat Yalçın, Esra Yalçın, Tevfik Fikret Karahan.

Cited by 0 Articles

Objective: Nicotine metabolism has important effects on sleep. People who quit smoking due to nicotine withdrawal during the smoking cessation process may experience different sleep disorders. Side effects of pharmacological agents used to quit smoking (Varenicline, Bupropion and Nicotine Replacement Therapy [NRT]) on sleep quality are also known. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between smoking cessation and the preferred treatment approach with sleep disorders.

Material and Methods: 520 participants who applied to OMU Family Medicine Smoking Cessation Clinic in 2019 were accepted as the study population. Demographic data of all participants in the survey, smoking characteristics (Fagerstrom Nicotine Dependency Test score [FNDT], pack / year, etc.), sleep characteristics (sleep duration, evening awakenings, etc.) and Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) at their first visit and one recorded months later. Standard treatment of our clinic was applied to all participants. 387 volunteers (71.6%) without any data loss were accepted as the study group.

Results: 165 of 387 (71.6%) people quit smoking in the first month (42.6%). Varenicline was used in 102 (61.8%), Bupropion in 25 (15.1%) and NRT alone in 38 (23.0%) of these patients. Mean sleep time (hours) did not change in this group before and after quitting (6.4 ± 4.8 hours versus 6.3 ± 5.0 hours p> 0.05). There was no difference between the mean PSQI scores of the patient groups receiving different treatments one month later (p> 0.05). Complaints of insomnia (n=5, 17.5%) and drowsiness (n=4, 14.6%) were more common in patients who received Varenicline (x2=12,145, p

Key words: Sleep, Smoking Cessation, NRT, Bupropion, Varenicline

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