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Case Report

Unexpected events of ureteric schistosomiasis in Saudi Arabia

Fahd Nasser AlQahtani.

Cited by 0 Articles

The incidence of schistosomiasis in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is low; although the presence of ureteric schistosomiasis is low, its presence in association with the other complications is considered a rare event among males, especially in a country like KSA. The objective was to study a 56-year-old Saudi Arabian male, who presented with scistosomiasis in ureter with the development of transitional-cell carcinoma instead of squamous-cell carcinoma. An investigation was carried out in this case by repeated cystoscopes and biopsies for histopathological examinations, as well as several imaging procedures such as plain X-ray, CT, and MRI along with several lab assessments. The presence of all these complications in this patient makes this a case of special interest. This will reflect on conducting further research workup for accurate estimation of schistosomiasis in Saudi Arabia.

Key words: Shistosomiasis, TCC, pyelonephritis, gromerulonephritis

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