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Clinical Analysis of Etiology, Risk Factors and Outcome in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury

Aida Hamzic-Mehmedbasic, Damir Rebic, Merima Balavac, Alma Muslimovic, Jasminka Dzemidzic.


Introduction: Acute kidney injury is characterized by a rapid loss of renal excretory function with the increase of nitrogen compounds in the blood and with different outcome. Objective: Since descriptions of the risk factors and sequelae of acute kidney injury (AKI) remain relatively limited, the objective of this study was to determine etiology and clinical characteristics of AKI, as well as risk factors for adverse outcome of renal function and death in AKI patients. Methods: We retrospectively studied a cohort of 84 adult AKI patients admitted to Nephrology Clinic in University Clinical Centre Sarajevo during period 2012-2014. Demographic, laboratory and clinical parameters were retrieved. The in-hospital and 6 months mortality were recorded. Renal function outcome was defined 3 months following discharge. Results: Majority of patients were older (median age 73.5 years) with great severity of AKI (Stage III in 78.5% of cases) and high burden of comorbidities (mean Charlson comorbidity index, CCI score 6.4±3.05). The most common causes of AKI were acute interstitial nephritis (16.7%), heart failure (15.5%), gastroenterocolitis (13.1%), and sepsis (12%). Renal function recovery was recorded in 48.8% of patients, with prevalence of 10.7% of intrahospital mortality and 37.3% of 6 months mortality. Risk factors for poor outcome of renal function and mortality in AKI patients were increasing age and higher CCI score, while protective factor was higher diuresis. Sepsis proved to be risk factor for death.

Key words: acute kidney injury, etiology, risk factors, outcome

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