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Serum Cystatin C – Marker of Inflammation and Cardiovascular Morbidity in Chronic Kidney Disease Stages 1-4

Alma Muslimovic, Denijal Tulumovic, Senad Hasanspahic, Aida Hamzic-Mehmedbasic, Ramajana Temimovic.


Aim: The aim of the research was to compare the relationship between inflammatory biomarkers and procoagulants with kidney function assessed by using cystatin C, serum creatinine, and eGFR and determine the sensitivity of cystatin C, serum creatinine and eGFR to total cardiovascular morbidity in patients with CKD stages 1-4. Methods: The research included 120 patients older than 18 years with CKD stages 1-4 monitored over a period of 24 months. Results: Serum cystatin C correlates with fibrinogen (p

Key words: inflammatory biomarkers, procoagulants , cystatin C, cardiovascular morbidity

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