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Analysis of Adequacy of 25-Hydroxi vitamin D3 Supplementation in Patients on Hemodialysis and Parathormone, Calcium and Phosphorus Level in the Blood of These Patients

Besim Prnjavorac, Nedzada Irejiz, Zahid Kurbasic, Katarina Krajina, Amina Deljkic, Albina Sinanovic, Jasmin Fejzic.


Introduction: Appropriate vitamin D turnover is essential for many physiological function. Knowledge of it’s function was improved in last two decades with enlargement of scientific confirmation and understanding of overall importance. In addition to classical (skeletal) roles of vitamin D, many other function (no classical), out of bone and calcium-phosphate metabolism, are well defined today. Aim: To analyze vitamin D level in the blood in dialysis and pre dialysis patients and evaluate efficacy of supplementation therapy with vitamin D supplements. Methods: Vitamin D3 level in form of 25-hydroxivitamin D3 was measured in dialysis and pre dialysis patients, using combination of enzyme immunoassay competition method with final fluorescent detection (ELFA). Parathormone was measured by ELISA method. Other parameters were measured by colorimetric methods. Statistical analysis was done by nonparametric methods, because of dispersion of results of Vitamin D and parathormone. Results: In group of dialysis patients 38 were analyzed. Among them 35 (92%) presented vitamin D deficiency, whether they took supplementation or not. In only 3 patients vitamin D deficiency was not so severe. Vitamin D form were evaluated in 42 pre dialysis patients. Out of all 19 patients (45 %) have satisfied level, more than 30 ng/ml. Moderate deficiency have 16 patients (38%), 5 of all (12%) have severe deficiency, and two patients (5%) have very severe deficiency, less than 5 ng/ml. Parathormone was within normal range (9.5-75 pg/mL) in 13 patients (34 %), below normal range (2 %) in one subject, and in above normal range in 24 (63 %). Conclusion: Vitamin D3 deficiency was registered in most hemodialysis patients; nevertheless supplemental therapy was given regularly or not. It is to be considered more appropriate supplementation of Vitamin D3 for dialyzed patients as well as for pre dialysis ones. In pre dialysis patient moderate deficiency is shown in half of patients but sever in only two.

Key words: Key words: Vitamin D, hemodialysis, parathormone, calcium, phosphorus.

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