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Role of Hypertension and Anaemia in Left Ventricular Remodelling in Patient with Renal Allograft in the First Post-transplant Year

Jasminka Dzemidzic, Senija Rasic, Damir Rebic, Snezana Uncanin.


Background: Hypertension (HT) and renal anaemia (RA) are well-established markers of cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). They appear to be the stimuli for left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), who significantly participates in cardiac complications in uremic patients. Hypertension is extremely common after kidney transplantation (KTx) and it has been observed in up to 75% of patients. The prevalence of post-renal transplant anaemia (PTA) is variable (up to 30%) and several factors such as graft function contribute towards its pathophysiology. Aim: The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of blood pressure and anaemia on LV remodelling in first year after transplantation comparing echocardiographic findings before and twelve months after transplantation had done. Methods: In five years retrospective-prospective study we followed up 30 patients with renal allograft in first post-transplant year. During the study values of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), mean blood pressure (MBP), blood hemoglobin (Hgb), serum creatinine and creatinine clearance were monitored monthly. Results: Before transplantation (Tx) 86% of patients had HT, and RA was confirmed in all patients. Normal echocardiographic findings had 33% of patients and 67% of patients had echocardiographic sings of LVH. Before renal transplantation group with LVH had statistically higher the mean values of blood pressure (MBP) (p=0.053) compared to group with diastolic (LVDDF) (p=0.0047) and systolic-diastolic dysfunction (LVSDDF) (p=0.0046). The values of SBP and DBP positively correlated with LV mass index (LVMI) in the group of patients with LVH (p=0.0007 and p=0.0142). The values of Hgb was statistically higher in group with normal LV mass index compared to LVH (p=0.019), with negative correlation between LVMI and values of Hgb in the patients group with LV hypertrophy (p=0.009). After the first year of transplantation, 63% of patients showed normal LV mass index and 37% remained with echocardiographic findings of the LVH. The values of SBP and values of Hgb in both groups, as well as values of DBP in group of LVH were statistically different in compare with data before transplantation (p

Key words: kidney transplantation, anaemia, hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy.

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