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The analysis of relationship aetween nurses’ rational use of drugs and their personal characteristics

Yasin Uzuntarla, Necmettin Cihangiroğlu.


This study aims to assess the attitudes and behaviours for nurses’, who are an indispensible part of the health services, using medicines rationally and analyse difference between these attitudes and behaviours based on these personal characteristics.
In the descriptive research which was conducted in a training hospital with the capacity of 1200 beds in Ankara province, 251 nurses reached. In the first chapter of the questionnaire form, “Assessment Form on Nurses’ using drugs rationally” titled questionnaire form which includes 17 articles, developed by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency in order to analyse nurses’ socio-demographic characteristics as well as their attitudes and behaviours for rational use of medicines was applied. In the second chapter, “Five-Factor Personality Inventory” which was developed by Benet-Martinez and John (1998), and which consists of 44 articles was applied.
All of the respondents were women and their average of age was 33,53±4,21. The most often encountered (47,8 %) mistake with regards to using the medicine was using medicine in the wrong time, the pharmacological information source from which highest advantage (70,1 %) is made is the source books on drugs (vademecum etc.). 42,2 % of nurses stated that they had very high knowledge about how to use medicines, 82,9 % of them stated that they always follow the date of expiration of medicines, 84,9 % of them stated that patients are given education about the medicines to be used and 62,6 % of them stated that they do not make feedback about the adverse effects of medicines. There was a significant relationship between patients’ questioning the food and medicine allergy before using the medicine and extraversion and openness for improvement ratios. The relationship between adverse impact feedback and rate of openness for improvement was also significant.

Key words: Nurse, rational drug use, personal characteristics.

Article Language: Turkish English

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