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Review Article

Selenium Biofortification in Rice - A pragmatic perspective

Karliana Oliveira, Inês Maria Pataco, Mara Palma Mourinho, Cátia Santos, João Pelica, José Cochicho Ramalho, António Eduardo Leitão, Isabel P. Pais, Paula Scotti Campos, Fernando Cebola Lidon, Fernando Henrique Reboredo and Maria Fernanda Pessoa.


Selenium is an antioxidant trace mineral with important biochemical functions related to the enzymatic activity of selenoproteins. Due to a wide variation in the content of selenium from different plant sources, there is a high risk of deficiency of this nutrient in human nutrition, and particularly in the early childhood. Thus, the use of biofortified staple foods, namely selenium rice flour can be understood as an important trait, namely for food production for infants. This study aims to evaluate the importance of selenium biofortified rice flour, further considering baby foods.

Key words: Baby food, Biofortification, Rice flour, Selenium

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