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Impact of transport distance on stress biomarkers levels in dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius)

El Khasmi Mohammed, Chakir Youssef, Bargaa Rita, Barka Kaoutar, Lektib Islah, El Abbadi Najia, Belhouari Abdarrahmane, Faye Bernard.


The welfare conditions of domestic animals during transport to the slaughterhouse are largely known able to influence the level of their stress, physiology and meat quality. Furthermore, the reaction of animals to stressors depends on the duration and intensity of these stressors. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of transport distance on some blood physiological indicators of stress (haematocrit, haemolysis, cortisol, glucose and lactate) and biomarkers of oxidant stress (malondialdehyde and catalase) in camels. Transport distances were categorized as short (72-80km), medium (160-170km) and long (350-360km) distance. All parameters analyzed here increased gradually and significantly (P

Key words: camel, haemolysis, oxidant stress, road transport, stress responses.

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