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Estimation of Bioenergy Potential for Local Biomass in the United Arab Emirates

Muhammad Tahir Ashraf, Chuanji Fang, Tomasz Bochenski, Iwona Cybulska, Ayah Alassali, Akinleye Sowunmi, Rashed Farzanah, Grzegorz Przemyslaw Brudecki, Tanmay Chaturvedi, Sabeera Haris, Jens Ejbye Schmidt, Mette Hedegaard Thomsen.


There is a wide biomass spectrum in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Twenty three different biomass and fractions local to the UAE including lignocellulose (date palm, Moringa peregrina, mangroves, and garden trimmings), halophytes (Salicornia sinus-persica, Salicornia bigelovii, Halodule uninervis, Halophila ovalis, and Halophila stipulacea), macroalgae (Ulva Sp., Padina boergesenii, and Colppmenia sinuosa), and wastes (municipal and manures) were analyzed for bioenergy potential. Bioethanol potential of studied biomass is ranging from 55 to 359 kg ethanol / ton dry biomass. The biomethane potential is ranging from 72 to 288 L CH4 / kg VS biomass. The analysis shows that lignocellulosic biomass tends to give the highest bioethanol potential. Macroalgae (P. boergesenii) offers the least bioethanol potential compared with others, while washed Salicornia bigelovii, lignocellulosic garden trimmings, and camel manure are best suited for biomethane production. Significant variations in bioethanol and biomethane potential are noticed between different biomass fractions.

Key words: bioenergy potential, bioethanol, biomass, biomethane, waste to energy

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