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Hypomagnesemia As A Marker For Preterm Labour And Its Association With Socio Economic Status.

Shakura Bhat1, Arfat Waheed2, Tasleema Chisti3, Huma Habib4.


The aim of our investigation was to study the Serum magnesium levels in preterm labour and to compare these values with those patients who had a term delivery ,to find associated signs and symptoms and to suggest nutritional correction of prognostic value
Methods:-A case-control study was carried out to evaluate serum magnesium levels and associated symptoms in women with preterm labour (28-36 weeks) and compare them with patients in same gestational age who delivered at term(37-40 weeks). Results:-Patients in preterm labor have a significantly depressed serum magnesium level [mean, 1.343± 0.09meq/l vs 1.875 ± 0.013meq/l] (p< 0.001 ) as compared to normal pregnancy. Preterm labour cases differed from controls in terms of significantly higher incidence of muscle cramps and change in the quality or quantity of vaginal discharge ( p< 0.001). In our study, fall in the value of serum magnesium levels was of a significant magnitude in preterm labour as compared to normal controls(p

Key words: Preterm labour , Magnesium, Socio economic

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