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Case Report

A rare paediatric trauma: Lateral condyle humerus fracture with concomitant postero-medial elbow dislocation.

Monappa Naik, Sandesh S Madi, Sandeep Vijayan, Sharath Rao.


The association of elbow dislocation with fracture of the lateral condyle in paediatrics is considered very rare and only a few isolated cases have been reported in the literature. Due to its rarity, some of the authors have classified this injury as a complex elbow injury and have deemed them technically demanding to repair. A ten-year-old boy presented to us with a lateral condyle humerus fracture [Milch type 2] with concomitant postero-medial elbow dislocation following a fall on his outstretched hand. At 34 months of follow-up, the child regained a full range of motions around the elbow joint without any deformities.This combination injury, although rare, is not technically different or difficult to treat.

Key words: Lateral condyle humerus, elbow dislocation, paediatrics, open reduction

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