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Short Communication

A Monitoring study of soil fertility in the agricultural area of rivne region of Ukraine

L. Moklyachuk, I. Yatsuk and M. Draga.


Agroecological assessment of soil of Rivne region was conducted. Stabilization of main nutrients in the soils of the farmland of Forest-Steppe zone, due to the minimization of tillage, increased use of fertilizer, use tools of agriculture biologization as primarily plowing of straw, stalks and other crop residues and green manures, is shown. At the same time there is a downward trend in these indicators in soils of Polissya. The reduction mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium in soils of Polissya is associated with the decreasing use, in these areas, of organic and mineral fertilizers. Weighted average phosphorus content in Rivne region equals125.3 mg/kg of dry soil; weighted average exchangeable potassium content equals 71.0 mg/kg of dry soil. The negative dynamics of soil acidity is shown. Areas with high acidity soils increased. Now they occupied 39.3 % of the farmlands of the Rivne region. Sharply reduced availability of microelements in soil, due to the reduction g use of organic and mineral fertilizers on the territory of Rivne region, especially in Polissya, is shown. Recommendations for conservation and increasing of soil fertility of Rivne region are proposed.

Key words: Soil, Agroecological condition, Land protection, Monitoring, Soil fertility

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