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Nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of Lantana camara leaf

Sambo Sarah Haruna, Olatunde Ahmed, Johnson O Titilayo.


Objectives: The nutritional and anti-nutritional contents of Lantana camara leaf were investigated. Levels of nutrients like the crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash, mineral and anti-nutrients like phytate, tannins and oxalate were determined. Methods: The nutritional and anti-nutritional contents of L. camara leaf were investigated using standard methods. Results: The results of the proximate analysis showed that the crude protein content was the highest among other components with the value of 24.84±0.51 (%) while the crude fat gives the least value which is 2.99±0.01 (%). Other components are moisture content, 10.15±0.57 (%), crude fibre, 16.41±0.58 (%) and ash, 10.77±0.43 (%). The mineral analysis has potassium with the highest concentration of 1.05±0.03 ppm while phosphorus was the least with 0.07±0.01 ppm. Other minerals are calcium (0.54±0.01 ppm), manganese (0.99±0.02 ppm), sulphur (0.73±0.03 ppm), iron (0.84±0.01 ppm), magnesium (0.43±0.03 ppm) and copper (0.53±0.01 ppm). Zinc was not detected. The anti-nutrients detected include phytate, 41.06 mg/100g, tannins, 3.35 mg/100g and oxalate, 280.75 mg/100g. Conclusion: It is considered that L. camara could be a very good source of protein and minerals in animal diets, if well processed, to reduce or eliminate the anti-nutritional factors.

Key words: Lantana camara, nutrients, antinutrients, proximate analysis, protein-rich leaf

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