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Occupational health nursing course in India: Stakeholder’s perspective

Rajnarayan Tiwari, Anjali Sharma, Sanjay Zodpey, Shruti Patel.


Aim: This paper attempts to take the views of stakeholders of occupational health about the occupational health nursing (OHN) courses in India.
Materials and Methods: A questionnaire was developed to gather the requisite information and was mailed to the stakeholders such as academicians, occupational health physicians, workers, factory owners and nurses to get their opinion about the OHN course in India.
Results: This study was carried out among 90 stakeholders of occupational health in India, which included industry owners (29%), occupational health physicians and nurses (25.5% each) and academicians (20%). Most of the stakeholders were postgraduates while only 33.3% received training on occupational health services. Only 36.7% of the stakeholders were aware about any course on occupational health nurse. 97.8% agreed for the need an OHN course in India and most of them (62.5%) suggested that 3-6 months should be the duration of such training course. Almost all believed (87.8%) that there are job prospects for such trained nurses.
Discussion: Occupational health nurse is one of the important members of any occupational health team. This is a novice concept in India and according to the stakeholders there is a need of OHN manpower in India, which can be fulfilled through the commencement of a course to train such manpower.

Key words: India, occupational health nursing, occupational health services, workforce

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